museum of the landing and salerno capital

The museum was opened under the patronage of the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, in September 2012, on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of Operation Avalanche at the temporary headquarters of the Institute Gallotta. The permanent exhibition was produced by the "Parco della memoria della Campania" led by Nicola Oddati, which aims to keep alive the memory of the events that tore the coast of Salerno, September 9, 1943 when they landed in the Gulf of Salerno about 1,000 ships with more than 200,000 soldiers who took part in Operation Avalanche the most impressive amphibious operation in history, second only to the Battle of Normandy.

The findings, from the collection of the association Parco della memoria della Campania, are about 200, including unedited video of the landing, photographs, medals, uniforms of the Nazi and American army, objects, weapons, a M4 Shermantank, a Jeep willys and a plunged railroad car, added to exposure on the occasion of Remembrance Day January 27th, 2013, used by the Nazis to deport Italian Jews to concentration camps. The wagon and the M4 Sherman are rare examples of the Second World War because, in the world, there are only a few specimens. The car exhibited, during the war was directed to Auschwitz and, inside, were crammed several dozen prisoners who, because of the poor conditions, often died during the trip.

Istituto Gallotta - via Generale Mark Wayne Clark, 5
+39 347 641 2564
Ticket price: € 4 (adults) | € 2 (students) | € 2 (each for groups over 10 people) | Free for children up to 8 years
Opening Hours
Tuesdayon request
Wednesdayon request
Thursdayon request
Fridayon request
Saturdayon request
Sundayon request

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