The virtual museum of Salerno's Medical School, housed in the ancient church of San Gregorio, intends to present in educational key, with the use of modern information technology: the story, the characters, the themes and texts of the School of Medicine of Salerno. The narrative path unfolds through interactive and exciting installations that host different content and present complex issues, made accessible by a narrative level, but rigorous, supported by animated thumbnails and spectacularisations.

virtual museum salerno

Starting point is the virtual theater that offers a 3D reconstruction of the palace chapel of St. Peter's in Court, the center of religious and civic life of the city from the eighth century, when it was realized by Arechi II. The classroom is symbolically rebuilt - in a scenario specifically designed - the start of a story of cultural confluences that made the great city of Salerno of the centuries of Longobard and Norman domination, in its artistic and scientific expression.

The Church of St. Gregorio Magno

The church, dating back to the Longobard ages, was built during the eleventh century, and was originally divided into three naves. In the eighteenth century, in order to facilitate access to the nearby Palazzo Pinto, it was demolished a crumbling wing. In 1857 the Archbishop Marino Paglia, with the bubble Laudatissima and antiquated ecclesia, transfers the parish church, which in the meantime had absorbed the territory of the former church of Santa Maria della Neve in Portanova, the church of St. Gregory the Great to the Cathedral, of which it became branch until 1880, when Archbishop Valerio Laspro moved permanently the cure of souls to the Cathedral. Originally on the counter-facade of the church was situated a tombstone of sandstone, now kept in the Diocesan Museum, where it testified a significant restoration work, ordered by Duke Norman Ruggero II that took place in 1176.

Chiesa di San Gregorio, via dei Mercanti 74, Salerno
+39 089.2576126 or +39 089.2573213/227
Ticket price: € 3.00 (adults) | € 2.00 (students of every grade and over 65)
Opening Hours
Tuesday9:30 - 13:00 & 17:00 - 20:00
Wednesday9:30 - 13:00 & 17:00 - 20:00
Thursday9:30 - 13:00 & 17:00 - 20:00
Friday9:30 - 13:00 & 17:00 - 20:00
Saturday9:30 - 13:00 & 17:00 - 20:00
Sunday9:30 - 13:00

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